The following is a listing of Wesleyan pastors, missionaries and leaders who have passed away. These notices were received February 3 – March 3.

Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Bursch (103) died January 18, 2022. He served as a missionary to Africa.

Rev. Wayne Asahel Grant Spear (74) died February 2, 2022. He pastored in North and South Carolina.

Rev. Wayne Caldwell (98) died February 2, 2022. He pastored in Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. He also served as general editor of The Wesleyan Church.

Rev. Roger Frank Warmuskerken (74) died February 6, 2022. He pastored in Michigan.

Rev. Dr. Harold Russell Gunsalus (81) died February 7, 2022. He pastored in the North Carolina East and Shenandoah Districts.

Rev. Bruce E. Sedich (80) died February 23, 2022. He pastored in Michigan.

Rev. Richard “Dick” Stoneberg (98) died February 24, 2022. He pastored in Iowa.

*Rev. Kenneth Boschee died February 25, 2022. He pastored in Florida, Michigan, South Carolina and South Dakota. He served as district superintendent of the East Michigan District (now The Great Lakes Region).

Rev. Dr. Mark Eckart (60) died February 27, 2022. He pastored in Indiana and served as the district superintendent for the Indiana South District.

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*No obituary was available at time of publication.