Listen to today’s devo!

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. (Ps. 62:5)

In my missionary wellness work, we often address concerns of overwork or overextension. Part of that conversation focuses on how to counter a culture of busyness and encourage a culture of leading from Sabbath rest—rather than collapsing into it. After all, Adam’s first day in creation was the seventh day, one of rest. Surely God intended Adam to begin his days with Sabbath.

Resting and waiting is a frequent biblical mandate for hearing from or finding God. He is not moved by our hurry or impressed by our frenetic busyness. The psalmist here tied resting in God with hope. Acceptance that our activity and our power is unequal to the task is where hope begins.

Sabbath rest is a tangible expression of hope in God. When manna fell from the skies for the children of Israel to eat while they wandered in the desert, they were instructed to gather extra on the last workday and none on the Sabbath day to demonstrate that they trusted God to provide. When we rest and put aside our work, we declare that God is enough. When we put aside our busy days and fully rest, refusing to answer emails or move important and necessary projects forward, we make a declaration not only that God is enough but that by rest comes the basis for the rest of the week and life: hope.

Find your rest and hope in God.

Sandy Emmett is the Wellness Synergist for Global Partners. She grew up as a MK, learning language in several countries in Europe and Africa. She loves reading, walking/hiking, traveling to new places, and—her new granddaughter.

© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.