These returned and reported it to the rest; but they did not believe them either. (Mark 16:13)
Have you ever questioned God? Personally, I have doubted my call into ministry on multiple, separate occasions. Each instance, the Lord has spoken very clearly to me that I am on the right track, despite how I may feel in the moment. We cannot let emotional feelings rule over our lives. It was the disciple’s feelings, their mourning and grief, that caused them to doubt the testimony that Jesus was alive.
God is speaking. The real question we must ask is: Are we listening? God speaks in a variety of different ways: through people, through worship, and the Holy Spirit speaking directly into our lives. In this biblical account, the Lord tried to speak through people to spread the news Jesus had risen, but the disciples were not listening.
Oftentimes, we do a whole lot of listening and talking for ourselves, but not a whole lot of listening for God. In my life, I have found that God often speaks in unexpected ways at unexpected times. We must always be ready to hear from God, through the never-ceasing prayer of our lives. And yes, we must discern and test the spirits when they speak into our lives, making sure what we follow is of God. But, this much is true, God has a plan for your life and he will reveal it. Take care to hear it.
Spend some prayer time listening for God’s plan in your life.
Ethan Zent is a fourth-year student at Kingswood University studying worship arts, with a strong desire to share God’s love through song and word.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.