Listen to today’s devo!

Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. (Rom. 14:1)

Expanded Passage: Romans 14:1-4

In the rolling hills of western New York, two families lived within sight of each other. Both attended a Wesleyan church in town. The family living high up on the side of one of the hills owned horses; the other family living in the valley had a backyard swimming pool. After attending church on Sunday morning, the family on the hill spent the afternoon riding their horses along trails on their farm. The folks in the valley cooled off in their backyard swimming pool.

At various times, members of each family would express their dismay to their pastor, who happened to be my father, about the inappropriate observance of the Lord’s Day by their fellow parishioners. The swimming Wesleyans could not understand how a believer could saddle and ride horses on Sunday. The horseback riders, looking down to the valley, could not abide the thought of Christians relaxing in their pool on the Sabbath.

My father, who would have abstained from both of the activities on pointed out that both families based their actions on personal interpretations of Scripture. These behaviors were not matters affecting one’s salvation; rather, they reflected different convictions about Christian conduct. Although he commended them both for having concerns about what were appropriate Sunday activities, he urged them to maintain fellowship with their friends by worshiping and serving God together.

Strive to graciously accept differing convictions within the body of Christ.

Clarence (Bud) Bence is a retired Wesleyan pastor and college professor, and lives with his wife, Carol, in Marion, Indiana.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.