We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. (Heb. 3:14)

Have you ever been in love? There are many ways to tell someone is in love, but among the different feelings and emotions that are present is the desire to be around the person constantly—a number-one sign love is present. The clock suddenly seems to move too fast and you never have enough time together. Your heart pounds at the mere mention of the beloved’s name. Your palms get sweaty and adrenaline rushes through your body in expectation and anticipation of seeing each other.

When we first invite Jesus Christ into our hearts, we seem to react in that same way. We can hardly wait for Sunday to come, so we can go to church. We have so much to say to him in prayer that our wish is to stay home kneeling in his presence. And we study his Word daily, so our souls are saturated with his teachings and we can memorize Scripture verses until our hearts are content.

Just like one person’s love for another requires daily maintenance and care, our love for God and his Word requires that we spend time in his presence. We mustn’t allow the busyness of our daily lives to steer us away from God. If the mention of his name becomes merely sporadic, that means we need to go back to the original source of that love.

Control what owns your heart. Keep God in and sin out.

Luska Natali is a native of Brazil who is passionate about God, her family, learning new languages (she fluently speaks three), and meeting people.

© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.