A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18)
The idea of living forever isn’t new. As Christians, we love to dream about eternity in heaven with God. But what about the life we are living here on earth? Are we living today like we’re preparing for that tomorrow? We teach our children the difference between right and wrong, but what do we teach about the status of our hearts?
The ruler in the passage we are reading today looked for something that his money could not buy him. Although the man was probably accustomed to his money opening doors that gave him access to his desires, Jesus delivered a hard truth to him.
Jesus knew the hearts and the thoughts of the people around him. The question from the rich man didn’t surprise Jesus. He knew that the man followed the rules of the religious laws, but he also knew that the man’s heart wasn’t one that put God first. His wealth was in competition with his willingness to follow Jesus. His money had become an idol that he placed before his love of God. The man’s wealth on earth was more important than wealth in heaven.
The things in our life that we place before God will keep us from experiencing the very thing that we’re after, which is eternal life. Let nothing on earth keep you from eternity with God!
Choose God first and allow him to change your heart.
Angela Spangler is the director of Fairmount Campground of the Crossroad’s District of The Wesleyan Church. Her passion is to build community around the gospel of Christ.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.