For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. (1 Thess. 4:16)
Eyes light up, smiles break out, and squealing and yelling ensue: “Momo! Papa!” When their mom gives them the okay, our granddaughters run with outstretched arms to lavish us with bear hugs. There is no doubt they are happy to see us. When the family knows we are coming to visit, they spring into action. They clean the house, buy some meals, and plan some fun for us while we visit. Other times we surprise them, and they don’t know we’re coming until right before we arrive.
Christians for many centuries have been waiting for the majestic coming of Christ. The first time he came as a poor man despised by religious and secular authorities (see Mark 13:26). The next time he will come as king and judge. It will be visibly and audibly powerful! Audibly, we will hear Christ’s command calling everyone to attention, the archangel’s voice to protect God’s people, and the trumpet of God to summon the church. Visibly, we will see the Lord Jesus, for whom we have been waiting. We will see our brothers and sisters in Christ who are also rising to meet him. And surely we will see those who have risen from the dead.
I am always excited to see my granddaughters. How much more should I be waiting with high expectation for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Ask the Lord how you can prepare your heart for the coming King!
Yolanda Moore is a retired school teacher, a women’s group leader, Bible teacher, and former state co-coordinator for the Christian Motorcyclists Association.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.