Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. (Rev. 4:8)
MY WIFE MINDY passed away almost two years ago. The night she transferred from this life to heaven, I wrote four descriptions of her life through my eyes: “agape wife, phenomenal mother, devoted friend, and holy example of Jesus Christ.” What would you like someone to write about your life after you are gone? I personally don’t want folks to have to make up stuff or even struggle to come up with words describing how I lived.
Jesus had a reputation even before He was crucified and resurrected from the grave. In John’s day, not all of the diverse cultures of the first century understood who the prophesied Messiah was. So John wrote to show why and how to worship the Christ. He also wrote about the holiness of God residing in Jesus.
God cannot be known apart from His holiness. Holiness is essential to God’s character, and without a bestowment of holiness by our Savior, no one can see God. His holiness is perfect, unsullied; and because He is holy, we can trust Him. We can emulate Him. He has the reputation of holiness, and so can you with His power at work in your daily life.
Walk with God in holiness today!
Jim Dunn is the Vice President of Church Relations for the Wesleyan Investment Foundation. He resides with his family in the Indianapolis area.