You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. (2 Kings 3:17)

CAREY STEPPED OUT of her car and took a deep breath. She tried to ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach as she walked up the sidewalk of a small, modest home. She didn’t know what would await her on the other side of the door. Carey was a hospice nurse, and it was her first official day of work. Carey had received hours upon hours of training in assisting and helping grieving and hurting families, but now she was on her own. What if she said the wrong thing?

As she held up her hand to give a hesitant knock, she noticed a wooden cross with the word Welcome painted in bright yellow. The door opened revealing a smiling young man. He ushered her into the brightly lit living room. Carey was surprised by the number of people in the home. She could hear laughter coming from another part of the house. The man escorted Carey to a frail older woman who was propped up in a chair next to family members who seemed to be recalling a humorous event. The older woman smiled as she listened to her loved ones regale her with stories.

Carey was deeply moved by the resilience of the family. Although the woman was suffering and the family would soon be grieving, they chose to cherish moments they had enjoyed together.

Receive and celebrate God’s abundant good gifts.

Amy Knepp is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University and a stay-at-home mother of four children.

© 2018 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.