Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Ps. 119:105)
Thunderstorms and tornado watches are a relatively common part of Oklahoma living. This means that at our house, we prepare for blackouts. We have a stash of candles, plenty of matches, and a bucket of flashlights. More than once, we have relied upon these sources. The light brought clarity and prevented us from fumbling and stumbling in the darkness. Ultimately, light has led our family to the safety of shelter. Oftentimes, we have had just enough light to mark our next steps, but it has been enough. The stark contrast between light and darkness during a troubling storm provides comfort and calm in the midst of chaos.
In today’s passage, the psalmist explains that God’s Word—his laws, precepts, statutes, and decrees—operate in much the same way. Notice here that light is not a feeling, a hunch, a guess, or an opinion. Light is sharp. It pierces the darkness (John 1:5); it is truth.
Our steps will involve choices. But choices can and should align with God’s precepts. The pathway is set before us, but without the light of God’s Word, there is little hope of staying on track. The Word illuminates, even if it is only one step at a time. Our times are turbulent and stormy. Individuals, families, and churches must rely upon the Word as the guide.
Hold on to the light of God’s Word to guide your daily choices.
Dalene Fisher is a wife and mother. She serves as the dean of arts and sciences at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.