Listen to today’s devo!

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence. (Phil. 2:12)

Expanded Passage: Philippians 2:12-13

In the American West, there is a term for people who look like rodeo stars but know nothing about actual ranching. They are called "drugstore cowboys.” Such people dress to impress, sporting crisp dark jeans, a fringed leather jacket, and a belt buckle the size of a dinner plate. Their snake-skin boots are in pristine shape, and their hats look like they just came off the shelf of an expensive western apparel store.

A true cowboy, on the other hand, is most often dressed in dirty, faded jeans and a threadbare shirt. The design of his boots cannot be seen under the layers of caked-on mud and manure. His hat’s brim is misshapen, and its inside is coated with a crusty mixture of dust and sweat. The cowboy wears this attire not because he can’t afford anything better, but because of his daily, grueling ranch work.

The Philippian church was full of authentic Christians who were not much concerned about what important people—even the apostle Paul—thought of them. Rather, they were focused on the hard work of Christian ministry. They lived consistently, day after day, regardless of who might be watching. While they didn’t seek human praise, their integrity earned Paul’s respect and probably that of many others. Like true cowboys, their strong work ethic outshone the artificial bling of the “drugstore cowboy.”

Be who you say you are when no one is watching.

Laura Hurd is an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church and co-pastors with her husband, Jason, in northwestern Nebraska. She enjoys rural life, reading, and road trips.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.