Listen to today’s devo!

Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. (Job 16:19)

“We, the people . . . .” A great beginning to a great document. The document was and is an inspiration to a nation for independence. Self-sufficiency, self-rule, and self-identity are important to all people, even though to many nations it is not accessible.

As much as we might want independence and freedom, we have times when we are in need of representation—perhaps a lawyer or an accountant. Usually we need these representatives in legal matters, governing concerns, and complex matters specific to issues at hand. They serve as advocates or proxies for others, each doing a job for which they have been specifically trained and have a number of clients they represent.

I can think of one situation in which we all need representation: eternal life. We all need someone to stand in on our behalf, and the governing agent is the King of Kings, God.

“We, the people . . .” is also a declaration of all humankind. None of us can represent ourselves adequately before the King of Kings, so he sent Jesus to do it for us. Jesus is the only one who has done what needed to be done. He is the only one who can represent us successfully. He is our witness in heaven. He is our advocate on high.

Trust Jesus to be your advocate in heaven.

Randall A. Forbes is an artist, retired minister, and plant operations director at Kingswood University, as well as a follower of Christ and lover of life.

© 2021 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.