The lamp of God had not yet gone out. (1 Sam. 3:3)
Expanded Passage: 1 Samuel 3:2-3
Have you ever been around a Christian or group of Christians who are all doom and gloom? Rather than seeing hope, all they can see is the prospect of judgment. Rather than offering grace, all they speak is condemnation. Rather than exuding Christ’s love, they only project guilt and shame. They believe the world is hopeless, and they’re just waiting for their ticket out of here. Such tendencies indicate that the spiritual light is going out of their eyes.
The author of 1 Samuel said that the high priest Eli’s “eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see” (3:2). Most commentators see this as an indication not only that his physical sight was waning, as is natural with age, but that his spiritual eyesight was also becoming dull. Eli saw the darkness, but all he could do was call it out; he no longer had the light within to pierce that darkness (1 Sam. 2:22–25). Thankfully, 1 Samuel 3:3, assures us that “the lamp of God had not yet gone out.” Though Eli could not see it, there was still plenty of room for hope.
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in what seems wrong with the world that we forget that we are on a mission of hope and light. The way to change the world is to shine brightly.
Tap into the light source and let your own light shine brightly.
Kevin R. Scott is an editor for Wesleyan Publishing House and author of ReCreatable and Awakening Faith. He loves spending time with his wife, Debbie, their four children, and two grandchildren.
© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.