And he said, “This is what the Lord says: I will fill this valley with pools of water.” (2 Kings 3:16)
Expanded Passage: 2 Kings 3:12-19
Anyone who has spent time in a desert is amazed when they discover an oasis to rest in or water to quench their thirst under the sun’s blazing rays. Sometimes, their thirsty minds are so concentrated on their need for water that they experience a phenomenon called “mirage in the desert.” This optical illusion occurs when light is deviated as it passes through layers of air of different densities, creating the appearance of a pond, puddle, or water source in the desert.
King Jehoshaphat, King Jehoram, and the king of Edom’s three armies found themselves stranded in the desert because of a crying need for water during their campaign against the Moabites. Perhaps, due to their extreme thirst, they too experienced a mirage in the desert, thinking they could see water in the distance. At Jehoshaphat’s instigation, the three kings consulted the prophet Elisha for the Lord’s decision. Then, the prophet delivered an astonishing reply with a sure promise from the Lord that stunned King Joram: “I will fill this valley with pools of water” (v. 16).
When we trust God in our moments of desert need, he will not respond to us with mirages. He will bring us streams and pools of water to quench our thirst in the wildernesses of our lives and lead us to his oasis of hope, solace, and contentment.
Believe God will fill your valley with pools of water.
Handy Calixte is the national director of Christian education for L’Église Wesleyenne d’Haïti. He is pursuing an MDiv at Wesley Seminary and studying biblical Hebrew at Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.
© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.