Listen to today’s devo!

Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Phil 2:4)

Expanded Passage: Philippians 2:4-5

Maybe you have experienced breathtaking compassion like I have. Perhaps it caught you off guard because of its peculiarity in our generally self-serving society. I learned of its beauty in a small, northern Maine farming community, where our family was enveloped by a group of Christ followers so selfless and kind that it forever marked us. We were never left wanting, the bounty of their harvests regularly delivered to our doorstep. We were always bathed in prayer, invitation, and blessing. Our children were swallowed up in love and Reese’s Puffs, and help was always just a phone call away.

The kind of selflessness that Paul prayed over the Philippian believers was peculiar then too. This was a time and place where poverty was the norm and there was great concern about where their next meal would come from. Many in the Philippian church couldn’t possibly support Paul financially. But as he prayed for them, they grew in generosity. He challenged them to be others-oriented, even in their own times of lack. He invited them to keep their eyes open to the needs of others, even when their own needs were great.

Paul’s words continue to call to us now, whether we live in plenty or in want. Because generosity and compassion are central to God’s character, and as we demonstrate these qualities, we put him on display for others.

Accept the invitation to put others’ needs before your own.

Elizabeth Rhyno is wife to Scott, mom to three adult children, and a worship pastor and entrepreneur. She enjoys coaching women and creating opportunities to invest in their growth and development.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.