Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. (1 Kings 19:3)
Expanded Passage: 1 Kings 19:2-8
Although a professing believer, Craig started veering off course by putting his trust in all the wrong places. After his second divorce, he drove his motorcycle off the road at 120 miles per hour without a helmet. He miraculously survived.
“Someone brought me my Bible, and I began reading it from my hospital bed,” he said. “I started in Matthew and got as far as chapter 7 and realized I was living a lie and made a true commitment.”
He started doing missions work in Guatemala with his church and responded to his calling to serve the less fortunate. He bought an old school bus and drove it regularly to serve the homeless in sections of Philadelphia, one of many ministries he now oversees both locally and across the world.
The same Elijah that boldly proclaimed a coming drought to the evil Ahab and so faithfully was an instrument of God’s work on Mount Carmel suddenly crumbled at the threats of Jezebel. He ran for his life. But like Craig, God was not done with him. He found Elijah in his fear, exhaustion, and brokenness, rebuilt his faith, and plugged him back into ministry for even greater works.
Craig in his hospital bed. Elijah in the wilderness. God pursued them in their brokenness and used both for greater things. He can do the same with you.
Believe God will continue to provide opportunities, even in our brokenness.
John Zaktansky is the youth group leader at Port Ann Wesleyan Church in central Pennsylvania and oversees youth ministry at an annual family camp.
© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.