Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. (Heb. 13:7)
IT’S DIFFICULT TO THINK ABOUT MRS. KELLY without smiling. I remember her elbow-deep in papier-mâché, chatting up a roomful of third graders about how much fun it was to sink your arms into your work. Then there was Mr. Swanson, our speech and media teacher in junior high. How many students learned about photography and writing because he came alongside them and coached them into a new level of expertise? Add the innumerable vacation Bible school and Sunday school leaders I’ve had the privilege to encounter who would sit on the floor with their charges to distribute crayons, pray, or wipe a runny nose. God has used those leaders in my life to form my approach to leadership today.
God knows the impact leaders can have. He understands how their example can influence many others and impact generations to come. The letter to the Hebrews encouraged the early church to look at the lives of their leaders as they consider how to live each day. Could they see positive and practical outcomes that confirmed the Word of God in them?
Leaders who handle the practical stuff of life well are worth imitating, whether we’re dealing with a camera or personal conflict. The fruit of their lives—not just what they said, but the outcome of what they did—will confirm whether their examples should be copied or not.
List three practical outcomes that confirm your faith in Jesus.
Steve Wamberg is a husband, dad, writer, and pastor who loves his wife, kids and their spouses, preaching, teaching, music, coffee, friends, and Nebraska football.