The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2)
When the pastor asked Emily to go to Tacoma, Washington, and minister to the homeless, she answered with an immediate yes. Even though she wouldn’t be around to join her friends during spring break, it was more important for Emily to do what the Lord asked and wanted of her. It was her heartfelt desire to be a worker for the cause of Christ.
In Tacoma, Emily and her youth group did everything they could to further the kingdom of Christ. A room had been set aside, away from where the team was sleeping, to be the prayer room. It was open 24/7. The only time when the kids were not praying was when they were sleeping, eating, or witnessing to the homeless on the streets.
One homeless guy said, “Why would you want to come here during spring break? Don’t you have anything better to do? You need guns to protect you at night. Are you aware that you’re in a rough part of town?”
Emily grinned. “We are workers for Jesus. We want to be here. The Lord our God will protect us.” Lives changed and miracles happened as homeless men and women accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. The kids on the mission trip followed Jesus’ instructions by first praying and then going. Jesus is calling us to be workers. We must pray and go.
Ask Jesus whom He wants you to share the good news with.
Priscilla Tate Gilmore is a freelance writer in Salem, Oregon. She enjoys gardening and all types of crafts.