On Saturday, July 5, near-hurricane winds struck the Maritime Provinces in Eastern Canada. Hurricane Arthur had been downgraded to a tropical storm a few hours earlier. On Sunday, as over ¼ million people in the region were without electrical power, some Wesleyans may have wondered whether the popular family camp at Beulah would go forward. Beulah Camp is located in southern New Brunswick on the bank of the beautiful Saint John River.

The spirit of the camp is evident in the report of District Superintendent H. C. Wilson on Sunday:

Beulah 2014 is a go! The storm has passed. Repairs are in process. Power is off. Water is mostly on. Inconveniences abound. Spirits are high. Flexibility prevails. Generators are hard at work. Memories are being made. Attitudes are positive. Dining Hall is open. Schedule continues. It’s an adventure. Camp Meeting 2014 is on!

Our speaker for the first few days did not arrive due to Arthur. We are featuring some of our own for the next few days – mystery preachers – come and hear. Hope to build during the week to a “powerful” conclusion next Sunday the 13th.
