Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

Jane, a widow, sat alone in her living room, Bible open on her lap. Some of the pages were curled and damp. “Oh Lord,” she prayed, “I feel so far from You and so alone!” Tears cascaded in rivulets down her life-worn cheeks. “I’m afraid,” she confessed. “I’m scared that I haven’t done enough for You, that I won’t receive a crown.” She bowed her head then and wept bitterly. Jane is not alone in her heartfelt concern that she hasn’t pleased her King.

If only she had thought to read Luke 12:32! It is very easy for a believer to feel far from the King, though the Scriptures state specifically that He’s not far. It’s equally common to fear that the distance felt is due to a lack of “godly” accomplishments, or financial and life stressors that weigh people down and cause intense worries.

Jesus reminds the believer that the Father is happy to provide entrance into His glory. God’s children are the recipients of the kingdom—and not because of anything great or holy they might have done. No, instead it’s because He loves His children and delights to provide them with all they need and frequently more than that. So, as Jesus said, “Do not be afraid, little flock,” just keep seeking Him.

Find and memorize a verse that will increase your devotion to the Savior.

Ginny Mink is a wife and mother of two. She finds great joy in serving the King with the talents He’s given her.