
CMAD Webinar: Zach Szmara of Immigrant Connections

CMAD Webinar: Zach Szmara of Immigrant Connections

How do we live out The Great Commission and The Greatest Commandment? Perhaps through a cross-cultural service. Adam Lipscomb, Katie White, Jim Wood and Zach Szmara share their experiences starting an immigrant connection site at their local churches

Breakaway 2016

Breakaway 2016

“I soooooo needed this!” “Please do it every year.” These are just two of the many positive comments submitted by pastor’s spouses who attended Breakaway on April 15th-16th. Over 120 spouses traveled from as far away as North Carolina,...
4 Reasons Why Pastors Should Love Numbers

4 Reasons Why Pastors Should Love Numbers

May 31 brings to close another statistical year for many churches. Whether your fiscal/statistical year aligns with the calendar year or not, I know many pastors dislike statistical reports, and they come up with many reasons for why traditional statistics don’t...