Making Disciples

The discipleship initiatives of The Wesleyan Church exist to develop disciples who live out The Great Commission and The Greatest Commandment given by Christ. We seek to serve in the development of disciples who make disciples. To facilitate disciple making, we:

  • Provide resources for pastors and ministry leaders in discipleship ministries
  • Equip lay people with supplemental discipleship tools.  Check out these prompts to evaluate your discipleship model.
  • Connect those with a heart for discipleship on a local, national and global church level
  • Provide connections to social holiness hubs where you can learn more about living out your faith in service to your community.

Discipleship Events

Presence- March 20-22, 2025

Presence- March 20-22, 2025

Join us for a special gathering of Wesleyan Worship Leaders to connect, explore the heart of worship, and share a meal as we center our lives and communities around His Presence!

Presence- March 20-22, 2025

Join us for a special gathering of Wesleyan Worship Leaders to connect, explore the heart of worship, and share a meal as we center our lives and communities around His Presence!

New Room

New Room

Join us at the 2025 New Room Conference from September 17-19 in Montgomery, Alabama, where we will explore the powerful union of Word and Spirit to ignite a great awakening.

New Room

Join us at the 2025 New Room Conference from September 17-19 in Montgomery, Alabama, where we will explore the powerful union of Word and Spirit to ignite a great awakening.

March 12, 2025 at 1pm

Discover with Zach Szmara how to embody God’s love by welcoming immigrants. This webinar explores Scriptural truth, deep connection, and Biblical hospitality, offering practical steps to create pathways of belonging and justice for immigrants.

Discipleship Tools

A Gift to all Pastors


Join the Conversation

February 12, 2025 at 1pm

Discover how the Recovery Church Movement bridges faith and recovery, transforming lives through Christ’s power amidst the addiction crisis. Join Pastor Billy Robel, in contextual discipleship that fosters healing to the hurting.

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Our Motivation

We believe that being a disciple impacts every area of how you live your life and that it is an ongoing, lifelong process of growth and spiritual development. To truly reflect what Jesus had in mind when he called us to transformational living, a disciple must lead a life where one’s pursuit of God is:

Intentional, Relational, Holistic, Multiplying, Lifelong

Our Focus

1. For every church to have an effective, holistic disciple-making model

2. For every believer to evidence the life of a disciple in every area of  their lives

3. For every church and believer to reach out to their community and world acting on the principles of holistic disciple-making

The Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20 (AMP)

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually – regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion] even to the end of the age.”

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37-40 (MSG)

“Jesus said, ‘Love the Lord your God with all of your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.”

A Message from our General Superintendent

There are certain priorities and pursuits that matter and last. They start in the heart of God and through focused prayer capture the heart of The Wesleyan Church.  This calls for Kingdom risks, an entrepreneurism of eternal consequence.

We celebrate every time a disciple makes a disciple. We are commissioned and empowered to be a disciple-making movement (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8) in multiplying locations.  Perhaps the best evidence you are a disciple is when in turn you have made a disciple.  After all, when Jesus first said “Go and make disciples…” He was talking to His own disciples.  Being a disciple of Jesus is by nature contagious.

Discipleship can happen in a classroom, a coffee shop or a car.  These are all potential contexts for discipleship, but they are not the catalysts for discipleship.  Discipleship is people – lay and clergy, male and female, all ethnicities and generations – reaching to those who need to be discipled toward faith or discipled in their faith.  Every believer is both a disciple and a disciple-maker.

I unapologetically challenge you to join me in giving yourself to the spread of the Gospel… for the glory of God.

Dr. Wayne Schmidt
General Superintendent

Celebrating every time a disciple makes a disciple and a church multiplies itself, until The Wesleyan Church has a transforming presence in every zip code.