I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. (Rev. 1:18)

JESUS TOLD MANY to not be afraid. He told the disciples to not be afraid as He walked on water. He gave this message to the women at the tomb. He told those who witnessed His transfiguration the same thing. He can say this because through His Holy Spirit He is always with us. For those who believe, there is no need to fear. Christ is the living one. He offers life to everything we once thought was dead.

Jesus brings joy to bitter believers. He brings peace to wars. He can bring health from disease. He can deliver those who are held captive. He restores lives, marriages, churches, communities, and nations. He has complete domain over death and hell itself. He has the authority to open the doors that keep you confined. He offers the freedom from sin. Jesus offers deliverance from Hades.

The people of John’s day in Rome faced many difficulties and threats. The government of Rome was trying to destroy every believer and church. The response? Trust in the living one and be afraid of nothing. Death and hell are defeated through the life-giving resurrection of Jesus.

Honestly assess and confess in prayer to the Lord, “Whom then shall we fear?”

Jim Dunn is the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church.