They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt. (Ps. 106:21)

NEW CHRISTIANS are some of my favorite people to hang out with. They are excited. Their love for Jesus is fresh and encouraging. They think what they have done to repent of their sins and begin their newfound life in Christ is the greatest decision they have ever made. It is!

As time goes by, however, some apparently forget. We forget what crud God pulled us out of. We fail to see what path we might have taken had it not been for the tender hand of Christ leading us down the road of righteousness. We begin to neglect our relationship with Jesus because it might be that He gets too familiar. We take Him for granted. We begin to make other priorities. Maybe we crowd Him out so much that we lose our first love (Jesus) just like the church at Ephesus did.

Surrender all of yourself to the way of Christ today and remember:

  • the great, miraculous help of the Lord;
  • the trust God has in you and the trust you can have in Him;
  • the patience God offers;
  • that God’s ways are the best ways;
  • that it is the God of heaven who has saved you, not yourself;
  • the One who deserves authentic and regular worship;
  • that God’s promises are true—every time;
  • that obeying the Lord is the only way to live.

Recall God’s goodness in your life.

Jim Dunn is the executive director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan