Daily Reading: 2 Peter 1:3–11

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (2 Pet. 1:3)

“We can’t afford it.” My mother’s words seemed like a broken record when I was growing up. I couldn’t understand why my friends got new clothes but I always had to wear hand-me-downs. And then there was my deep desire to play the piano. I had “lessons” in school with the rest of my classmates on a cardboard keyboard!

“Please, Mother,” I’d plead. “Can’t I please have lessons somewhere with a real piano?” But Mother never budged. I had no choice but to grow up piano-less and to learn to do without things other children had.

Looking back, I can see that I really wasn’t deprived of the things I needed. There was always plenty of food on the table, and I always was warm in our bitter Illinois winters in the coats other children had outgrown.

Still, by the time I was grown and married, I had learned to think “lack.” Instead of thanking God for all I had and seeing the glass as half full, I saw it as half empty. Sadly, this attitude carried over into my Christian walk. Instead of seeing all Christ had done for me and relying on His promises, I struggled to live a godly life in my own strength. Of course, I found that doesn’t work. Everything I need is to be found in Him. All I need do is ask.

Thank God for providing everything you need to grow in your faith.

Marlene Bagnull is a wife, mother, and grammy to three youngsters who live two blocks away.