When he saw this, he was amazed at the sight. (Acts 7:31)

WHAT A LOSS TO THE BIBLE, to the world, if Moses had let his fear rule his actions! Moses heard the voice of God speaking from a burning bush and trembled with fear. Who wouldn’t! But fearful as he was, Moses kept listening and heard God spill His plan to save the Jewish race. “Who, me?” Moses must have said.

God makes some funny choices for His “leaders.” The timid, women, even a boy (Samuel) stepped up to the invitations (commands?) from God. How did they do it? It’s a great mystery how powerless people accomplish great things for God. Here’s a clue: They didn’t know they would accomplish great things for God. They didn’t know it even afterward, probably. They simply obeyed—one step at a time—and God worked mightily through them.

God told Moses even the ground was holy. All is holy when God is present. All is possible when God chooses. Even fearful people can perform miracles in the wilderness when they act in the power God grants them. God promised to go with Moses and set the people free. Somehow Moses gathered his courage, and we all know the rest of the story.

God doesn’t call us to huge feats without going with us and providing the resources, the power, and the results if we will obey and take the first step.

Remember, it’s never about what you can do but what God can do through you.

Kathy Bence lives in Idaho with her professor husband, Phil.