The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time. (Gen. 22:15)

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN GIVEN a second chance? Or possibly even a third? Even in the most difficult of circumstances we have the opportunity to offer grace, kindness, and understanding. But not many of us stay on the watchtower, searching for a chance to save someone from a mistake or dangerous situation. We fail daily by taking our eyes off the big picture to focus on the issue that concerns only us.

God is a God of second chances. He never fails to keep watch over us. Even when He sends a test for us, He carefully guards the outcome and opens our vision to see His complete design. Just as Abraham was tested in perhaps the hardest trial for any parent, God was overseeing the lesson. And just as Abraham trusted God for the answer, we can count on Him to reveal our “ram” in the thicket.

God has not changed and His attention to our well-being is not vulnerable to distraction. His mind is not cluttered with details, and He is not forgetful. He always knows where we are and is dependable to intervene at the appropriate time. Abraham knew all was not lost. He had God’s perfect track record to rely on. What a comfort to live day to day in complete rest because we know we can trust God to be anywhere we are.

—Jan Cline

Wait patiently this week for an answer, knowing He has heard your question.

Jan Cline is an author and speaker from the Northwest. She is also director of the Inland NW Christian Writers conference.