Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21)

THE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS BEFORE MINE had to postpone their graduation due to rain for several days. So long before our day came, my class had already voted to do the same rather than move our ceremony indoors to the gymnasium that could not hold our families. We’d decided to wait as long as it took for clear weather, and hold our ceremonies at the football field where all our families and friends could be seated.

Graduation day came, and so did the rain. Someone backed a few school buses out of the bus barns so we could wait out the rain and hold the ceremony. Then someone suddenly suggested that we should just get it over with. Before most of us were aware what was happening, our diplomas were being passed over the crowd to each student. Our class valedictorian and salutatorian gave their speeches to a few people standing around them. Awards were handed to people from the trunk of someone’s car. It wasn’t the way we’d imagined being sent out into the world.

The disciples were about to “graduate.” These faithful students of the Master were going to receive the Holy Spirit and power, but not in a way they’d ever imagined. They were huddled in an upper room afraid for their lives, and Jesus was sending them out to a waiting world.

Graduation day.

Ask God to help you serve Him today, whatever the circumstances.

Annie Wamberg is a recent empty-nester. She is enjoying the quiet as well as gardening and traveling.