Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. (1 Cor. 15:20)

WHEN CHRIS AND KIM lost their son Justin in a tragic car accident, they were beside themselves with grief. But the body of Christ rallied around them, grieved with them, and helped things to get back to some degree of normal. One evening during choir practice, a little girl dressed as an angel handed Kim a small, wrapped present. She simply said, “There’s more to come,” and walked away. Kim unwrapped a little figurine of the baby Jesus, which apparently belonged to a nativity scene. Over the next few weeks, more pieces of the nativity were given to them. Even after the couple moved out of state, the figurines would keep appearing. They found themselves with increasing hope and comfort that they would one day see Justin again.

Paul made it clear that Christianity would stand or fall on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When God raised Jesus from the dead, never to die again, everything the Son of God ever said or ever taught was validated. The founders of all other religions in the world are still in their graves. In contrast, Jesus now sits at the right hand of God, giving us the hope of heaven.

Because of this, Chris and Kim did not grieve as those who “have no hope.” The compassionate acts of those who remembered their son kept the hope of resurrection alive in their hearts.

Prayerfully consider whom you know who may be grieving today.

Doug Schmidt is a freelance writer and editor and is on staff with his church as a small-groups coach.