Explore your ACTS 1:8 pathways for greater ministry.

After assessing your church’s strengths and weaknesses and beginning to frame its Acts 1:8 vision, you may have noticed some areas needing attention. You may have discovered your church has a strong Jerusalem ministry, but weaker global impact ministry. Or, you may have discovered your church has a strong global impact but is less strong in making disciples in your Jerusalem and mobilizing people to reach your Judea and Samaria.

The following pathways have been created for you to increase your overall fruitfulness. You determine if you want to focus on one area for a time or progressively work through all four areas as you are led.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, & in all Judea & Samaria,  & to the ends of the earth.”


Resources to support your ACTS 1:8 pathways.



Explore resources that develop
a disciple-making culture.

Multiplying Churches

Explore resources to reach new
people groups & start new churches.


Explore resources that increase
cultural intelligence & global impact.