If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31)
HAVE YOU ALWAYS BEEN ABLE to recognize your enemy? Perhaps in times of desperation you have even imagined God to be your enemy. But how can God, who sent His Son to die for us, ever be anything but on our side, fighting for us? This is the strongest, most powerful weapon we have—our kinship with the God of the universe. No enemy can possibly stand against such a weapon.
Yet we, too, must be on God’s side. Our faith in His presence is something to be nurtured. It’s not an automatic practice to link arms with Him in battle. Too often we forget He is by our sides, upholding us in the face of the real enemies in our lives. It’s one of the most beloved promises of God: He is for us. He cares what happens to us, and He is always ready to show himself reliable.
When we know without doubt that God is on our side, we can securely give an account of His greatness and goodness to anyone who asks. Nothing could give us more confidence to move forward in the midst of trouble than knowing who has our best interests at heart. There is nothing on earth that is too hard for Him, and we have access to all the wisdom and creativity we need to be triumphant and victorious.
Be bold in today’s battle, knowing God is on your side every day.
Jan Cline is an author and speaker from the Northwest. She is also director of the Inland NW Christian Writers conference.