1 Samuel 17:41–47
For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands. (1 Sam. 17:47)
CONFEDERATE GENERAL Thomas Jonathan Jackson earned the nickname “Stonewall Jackson” when a fellow general, observing Jackson’s calm demeanor in the heat of the first battle of Bull Run, remarked, “Look at Jackson standing like a stone wall!” Of duty, desertion, and God’s will, Jackson said, “I regard the crime of desertion as a sin against the Army of the Lord. Duty is ours. The consequences are God’s.”
In the Valley of Elah, David assumed the duty of facing the giant that threatened his people. While other men before him had succumbed to fear of Goliath and deserted the battle line, David boldly and confidently stood up to his opponent, without armor and with only a slingshot and five stones. David’s bravery came from his trust in God and not from his own ability. He knew that the battle belonged to the Lord.
Throughout our lives, we will face giants that test our faith. It may be the giant of the loss of a loved one, the giant of financial ruin, or the giant of illness. If we focus on the size of the giant instead of the size of our God, we will shrink back in fear and miss the joy of seeing the Lord fight the battle for us. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
When giants show up, call on God to fight the battle for you.
Nancy Reinke lives in the Colorado Rockies with her artist husband. She enjoys writing, photography, hiking, gardening, grandmothering, and encouraging others.