Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)

ROGER’S WIFE WAS vivacious even at the end of her fight with cancer. Her breast cancer metastasized into her liver and then her brain. I walked through this valley of the shadow of death with them and learned the true joy of giving. Eager to be good stewards of God’s gifts, they responded to His promptings to raise their tithes from 10 to 20 and later to 50 percent of their income. They surrendered their cares to God and He provided for them so abundantly they laughed until they cried. The joy Roger and his wife received from what they called hilarious giving wove itself into every fragment of their lives like a healing balm in their suffering.

When I have hesitated to give generously because of a cut in pay or the loss of my job, I have thought of Roger and how God loved him even through the loss of his wife. Roger could not out-give Him, because as he gave generously, so did God.

By casting my cares on God and trusting Him with my needs, I give from a thankful heart. It’s an act of worship. Amazing to me, God continues to provide for me so I can keep giving. Although I haven’t reached the point of hilarious giving, I have the joy and peace that comes from sharing what I have with others.

Seek God’s direction for how you can give of yourself, your time, and your resources.

Sue Tornai lives with her husband, John, and dog, Maggie, in northern California. She teaches elementary Sunday school and leads a Christian writers group.