Daily Reading: Isaiah 30:15–18

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isa. 30:15)

Culture teaches that we are self-made. This doctrine of self-actualization dictates that if you and I would simply believe we are successful, we eventually will be. We can will ourselves into anything we desire, even save ourselves. Listen. If you work hard, be kind to your neighbor, acquire a good education, and network with the right people—you will be financially loaded. This stuff creeps into the church when folks think if they worship, volunteer, keep their vows, maintain integrity, pray loudly enough, and tip God in the offering plate, they can punch their ticket to heaven. Right? Wrong!

No army, no herd of mustangs, and no depth of self-confidence can save your soul. The conditions upon which our salvation from sin depend and by which it is sustained are to turn from our self-chosen way and leave God to work alone in forgiving us.

God chooses to work through people. Yet, His way of doing this is for those same people to first and foremost put their confidence in Him. “In repentance and rest is your salvation.” Nothing else will accomplish the perseverance of your soul in paradise with Jesus. Turn to Him now. Hurry. Once you have repented of your sins and placed your life in the gentle hands of Jesus, your Savior—then and only then are you in the position God created you for in the first place.

If you want all God has to offer, give all of yourself to Him as soon as possible.

Jim Dunn is the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church.