Daily Reading: Matthew 5:43–48
Love your enemies. (Matt. 5:44)
A South African advocate for Apartheid had thrown a bomb into the sanctuary where many had gathered to worship. This congregation was made up of Europeans, Xhosas, Indians, and Asians. The newspaper reported that at least fifteen had died, many others had been injured, and the back of the sanctuary was in ruins. Two weeks had passed since this horrific crime had taken place, and now those who could had gathered at the church once again to worship their Lord and to be comforted.
Behind the podium was a young lady with her arm bandaged and in a sling. “I must confess that I was filled with deep hatred for the man who threw that bomb. He killed or maimed some of my friends. However, while I was in the hospital, I kept hearing a voice telling me, ‘Don’t hate him; instead, love him.’” I yelled out, “But how? How can I love him when he did such harm?”
The Voice answered and said, “You’re right. By yourself you can’t love him. However, with My Spirit you can. Invite My Spirit of love to fill you. Then, and only then, will you be able to truly love your enemy.”
The young lady then stated, “I stand before you today, filled with God’s Spirit, who is allowing me to love this man who was my enemy.”
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with love for someone you have viewed as an enemy.
Jim “Umfundisi” Lo is the author of Connect with God: The Purpose of Prayer(WPH) and the dean of chapel at Indiana Wesleyan University.