As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. (Gen. 17:4)

“FATHER OF NATIONS”? Why, that was impossible. Abraham was ninety-nine and Sarah ninety. I’m nowhere near ninety, but I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I became pregnant at my age. Poor Sarah! No wonder she laughed. I think I would cry! But relax, Sarah! It just isn’t possible.

How often have you said, or heard someone say, “There’s no more I can do; all that’s left is to pray”? Do you know someone hopelessly addicted to drugs or alcohol? Is your marriage headed for divorce? Have the medical professionals given up on your desperately ill loved one? Are your finances in such a mess it’ll take a miracle to sort them out? From the world’s point of view, all these situations are impossible. They are beyond our human abilities.

Truth be told, everyone needs God to intervene. After all, the whole problem of sin is about our being independent of Him. So operating on our own must always be too hard.

If God could send a baby to Abraham and Sarah, He can work in your situation and mine. God himself said through the prophet Jeremiah, “Is anything too hard for me?” (Jer. 32:27). So why do we keep on struggling on our own? Why is prayer our last resort? God may not answer the way we expect. But isn’t it amazing to realize there is no problem too hard for Him?

Do you believe that God created you to be always and in everything in covenant with Him?

—Shirley Corder

What hard thing are you struggling with? Speak to God about it today.

Shirley Corder is a registered nurse, pastor’s wife, and cancer survivor. She lives with her husband near the sea in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.