You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jer. 29:13)

An eight-year-old was told to get his shoes. Two minutes later he returned to his mother and said he couldn’t find them. She chose to assist in the matter and upon looking under his bed, found a stash of video games and, behind them, his shoes. Had the boy searched diligently, he would have located them and gotten away with not putting up his video games for a little while longer. Instead, his mother took his video games from him and left him with the shoes.

The Israelites needed to seek God, and Jeremiah reminded them of this while they were in Babylon. He reassured them that God knew what He was doing and His plan was for their good (v. 11). Certainly enslavement didn’t seem like a good thing to the Israelites, but Jeremiah told them that if they’d pray, God would listen; if they’d seek Him, He would be found.

There are times in life when God’s plans seem invisible. Things don’t make sense; nothing seems to be working toward hope. That’s why it is imperative that we seek God with all our hearts. He desires to hear His children’s prayers, to be found by them. Seek Him with significantly more effort than the boy sought out his shoes because there are ramifications for not seeking God wholeheartedly: He cannot be found any other way.

Ask the Father how He wants you to seek Him today.

Ginny Mink is a wife and mother of two. She finds great joy in serving the King with the talents He’s given her.