He who comes to me will never go hungry. (John 6:35)
ON JUNE 5, 2014, Chinese multimillionaire Chen Guangbiao made an unbelievable offer—free lunch for the homeless from a renowned restaurant in New York’s Central Park. People lined up the night before, for only the first 250 would enjoy the sumptuous meal. So Many hungry people came that late comers had to be turned away.
Right after Jesus fed over five thousand people with five loaves and two fish, some people asked Him for a sign, like the manna the Israelites ate in the desert. As though feeding so many the day before wasn’t miracle enough. But Jesus said He could provide something infinitely better—himself, the very Bread of Life, a picture He would repeat at the Lord’s Supper. He knew that true and lasting satisfaction for our hungering souls is found right there in Him,nowhere else.
The problem is we often don’t believe we will be satisfied just with Him. How often dowe look to earthly things to meet our cravings, things that will only spoil in time, as the manna inthe wilderness did? When our longings hit us, we should look for satisfaction at the Lord’s Table,in what He provides. After feasting there, we’ll never hunger again. Believe it is true. Just come.Everyone is invited. And unlike that Central Park lunch, it’s never too late to arrive. You won’tbe turned away.
Help an organization that feeds the hungry and boldly share about the Bread of Life.
Diane Gardner lives in the San Francisco Bay area, where she enjoys theater, communityevents, and watching the sun set over the bay.