I am poor and needy; come quickly to help me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay. (Ps. 70:5)
THERE IS NO SUCH WORD as delay in God’s vocabulary. The almighty, all-knowing Creator has set forth our path in the realm of perfect timing. Where His plans are concerned, there is no time or space, only truth perfected in love.
When we see ourselves as poor and needy, we long to be rescued, and quickly. We want to dictate to our Deliverer when and how to come. But this is not the way of God’s love. His timing is not swayed by our anxiety; that would not be in keeping with His loving care. Just as our earthly fathers knew just when to step in and keep us from harm, our heavenly Father stands by His plan. He loves us through the difficulty until at last we see the unfolding of His will.
There will never be a time when He does not lovingly guide and instruct, and if we follow that leading, we will never have to doubt His faithfulness. As we understand the depth of His devotion to our destiny, we will find rest in turmoil and peace in the midst of confusion.
How else could God, who is love, reveal himself to us so clearly? His orchestration of our lives is the very proof of His love and the security we need in times of trouble.
Delay? No such word.
Look for and be encouraged by His pattern of timeliness.
Jan Cline is an author and speaker from the Northwest. She is also director of the Inland NW Christian Writers conference.