Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone. (Ps. 71:9)
CLASS REUNIONS can be a lot of fun. They can also provide a somewhat shocking reality check. My fiftieth Bible college class reunion held its share of both.
The fun consisted of sharing memories of college days, especially memories of dormitory pranks and classroom experiences. For example, on one occasion a student had taped a fish to another student’s radiator pipes, only to have the fish explode from the heat. In class one day, a student had fallen asleep. When the professor called on him to pray at the conclusion of the class session, the student awoke and asked the Lord to bless the food.
The reality check of the reunion involved the stark recognition that we had all grown older. Bald heads, white hair, stooped shoulders, walking canes, thick eyeglasses, and hearing aids told the story only too well that the years had taken a toll on us. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to emanate the joy of the Lord and be glad to testify to His providential care and love through the years. We all knew that old age isn’t for sissies, but we knew, too, that the Lord strengthens His aging saints for whatever tasks He assigns.
If you feel the rigors of the aging process, rest assured. The Lord is with you today just as He has always been with you.
Whether you are young or old, thank the Lord for His abiding presence and daily provision.
Jim Dyet and his wife, Gloria, have been married fifty-five years. They live in Colorado Springs, where Jim enjoys golf and daily walks with his three small dogs.