I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel. (Gal. 1:6)
NO ONE WANTS TO BE CALLED a bigot or have it said he or she is intolerant, but that is the charge leveled by current culture against Christians. Caught in the trap of wanting to be accepted, there are those who will modify their gospel to be more religiously inclusive and to make allowance for the philosophy that “all paths lead to God.”
There are many philosophies and many religions, but there is only one true God. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ contains the good news that reconciliation and fellowship with God are possible only through God the Son. And it is offered freely to those who will accept by faith the good news story of God-incarnate’s sacrifice. You don’t have to be born into the “right” nationality, family, or gender. You don’t have to have the ability to go to a special place or do some special thing. The gospel message is simple: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel story, and enter into a relationship with God through Him. Maybe that is a problem to some—it is too simple, so they add some requirements that seem right to them.
There is only one gospel. To believe that does not mean you are a bigot, intolerant, or inconsiderate of other religious beliefs. It is to accept the truth that transforms those who accept it, causing them to love their neighbors regardless. Inviting others to join you in a relationship their Creator is not judging but is a loving thing to do.
Be unyielding in your commitment to the truth while showing loving kindness to others.
Ken Heer has been a pastor and church leader for fifty-one years and lives in Florida with his wife Nancy. They have three children and nine grandchildren.