O God, you are my God. (Ps. 63:1)
IT’S COMMON PRACTICE in our culture to introduce someone we know intimately by stating their name and relationship to us. For example, we might say, “This is Dennis, my husband.” Or, “Please meet Joshua, my son.” We may introduce a coveted friend as “Dena, my best friend.” When we do this, it’s clear to the other person that we have a personal relationship with the one we’re introducing.
In Psalm 63, David showed us he had a personal relationship with God by referring to Him as “my God.” He called God “my Savior” in Psalm 51. What’s more, in Psalm 19:14, David said the Lord was his “Rock” and his “Redeemer.” Throughout his life, David pursued the Lord passionately and spoke of Him in intimate terms. And although he was far from a sinless man, God called David a man after His own heart (1 Sam. 13:14).
Like the psalmist, we are not without sin. It is the blood of Christ that covers our iniquities and makes us acceptable to God. This frees us to know the Lord intimately, to find the fulfillment of all our desires in Him, and to delight in Him. We then can introduce Jesus to someone who doesn’t know Him as “my God, my Savior, my Rock, and my Redeemer.” God made a relationship with Him possible. We can make it personal.
Open your heart and mind for quiet intimacy with God today.
Nancy Reinke lives in the Colorado Rockies with her artist husband. She enjoys writing, hiking, grandmothering, and encouraging others.