You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (John 14:14)
IF I ASK MY HUSBAND to “please pass the salt,” I would expect to see salt delivered into my hand and not a cookie. Further, I would hope to see an immediate result. When we ask God for something, we are disappointed when we do not see immediate results. Why? Prayer is more than just a want list, travel safety, or good health. Scripture tells us, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives” (James 4:3).
Prayer is a powerful gift from God. He does hear and answer our prayers, but sometimes a complication arises when our praying does not align with God’s perfect purpose. Sometimes reframing our prayers will better enable us to hear His answers. Instead of praying for healing, can we pray for strength to cope? Instead of asking God to change someone else, can we ask God to change us? Instead of asking God to fix the problem, can we ask God to teach us how to deal with the problem? Asking for God’s help invites His power and presence into our souls. When we ask for guidance, discernment, comfort, wisdom, or hope, we begin to align our hearts with God’s heart; we become attuned with God. Asking readies our minds to hear the answer.
Is there a prayer you feel has gone unanswered? Reframe it. God will hear. God will answer.
Honestly assess whether there is a circumstance in your life that needs a reframed prayer.
Cheryl A. Paden has been married for over thirty-seven years to Richard, and they have three wonderful sons and live in Fremont, Nebraska.