Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. (1 Pet. 2:10)
PA’S PORCH SWING is one of my favorite places in the world. That’s mostly because it was his favorite place in the world. My grandpa was born, raised, and buried on Harker’s Island, a tiny little fishing village along the coast of North Carolina. He lived his whole life on the end of that island at the end of the world.
I loved sitting with Pa on his porch swing, complete with a view of Cape Lookout Lighthouse off in the distance. Swaying back and forth in the summer breeze, we listened as he recounted (again and again) his favorite stories, usually at my request. Even to this day, there is something about the lazy motion of that swing that reminds me of my roots. It helps me remember where I came from.
We all need those kinds of reminders. We all need to remember. Looking back over our shoulders from time to time, we can see just how far the Lord has led us on this journey. He has brought us safely through the fire and the flood, out of darkness and into His marvelous light. He called us out of nothing and became our everything. Pause right now to retrace the story of God’s faithfulness in your life. Think about who you were and where you were headed before He rescued you and called you His own.
Retrace the story of God’s faithfulness in your life.
Matt LeRoy is co-pastor of Love Chapel Hill, an eclectic church plant in downtown Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He is married and has twin boys.