Daily reading: Hebrews 12:14–29
Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” (Heb.12:28–29)
The children of Israel had seen God work mighty miracles on their behalf. From frogs and locusts to parting the Red Sea so they could walk across safely on dry land, the people who were led out of slavery in Egypt knew their God was all-powerful. Gratitude for freeing them from bondage in Egypt should have been their constant heart attitude. But they, like us, quickly forgot.
When Moses went up on the mountain to meet with God and was slow in returning, they forgot their God who rescued them from Pharaoh’s wrath. “Make us a god to lead us,” they told Aaron. Unbelievably, they chose to worship the calf he made from their gold earrings.
We may be quick to judge them. Where was their faith? How could they worship an idol instead of the one true God who had done so much for them? Had they no fear God would see and punish them?
God sees our hearts. He knows when our worship is genuine and when we are simply going through the motions. Reverence and awe for a holy God are not something we can fake; nor are they optional. Like Moses, who trembled with fear at the mountain of the Lord, we need to fear God and not take His mercy and grace for granted.
Tell God all that you thankful for today.
Marlene Bagnull is a wife, mother, and grammy to three youngsters who live two blocks away.