Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you. (Ps. 51:13)

Mandy looked around the fellowship hall of the church and thought, “I guess I’m done.” Every time she spoke on behalf of the local crisis pregnancy center, she included an informal question-and-answer time over coffee and cookies. Her testimony of being saved after the sin and pain of several abortions brought opportunities to share with others like her. After the crowd filtered out, a nervous girl of about fifteen approached Mandy. “I’m Sarah,” she began. “I had an abortion six months ago. I feel like I’m a million miles away from God.” Mandy gently suggested they sit down and talk, thinking, “I’m not done yet. My work here has only begun.”

King David willfully and deliberately walked into sin one night with another man’s wife (2 Sam. 11). He despaired over what he had done and penned Psalm 51 as his prayer for forgiveness and cleansing. Verse 13 teaches us that our experience of restoration becomes a platform from which we can tell others of God’s grace, expecting Him to reach out to them as He has done for us.

Think back for a moment to the day you accepted Christ—the day you were filled with “the joy of [God’s] salvation” (v. 12). This is joy worth sharing. Who in your circle is ready to turn to God and experience His joy today?

Ask God for opportunities to share the joy of His salvation daily.

Paul Zinter has served as a pastor and editor. He enjoys writing, bread making, and teaching at his local church.