For the Lord gives wisdom. (Prov. 2:6)
SPRING BREAK is a big deal where I’m from. It’s this time of year when everyone is fed up with being cooped up all winter. The cold and snow have lost their appeal and we just want some warm sunshine. All winter long, we look forward to spring break. Plans are made. Condominiums on the beach are reserved. GPSs are loaded in the front of the minivan, while suitcases containing warm-weather gear are loaded in the back. The perfect vacation is something many seek every spring.
Seeking God’s wisdom is more important than seeking fun in the sun. And He won’t break the bank account. He will change your desires and fill your mind with keys for living life eternally. He is your quintessential travel agent. But there is a catch.
You and I have to ask for or seek God’s wisdom. He’ll give it if we ask, but we have to want it. So, go after God’s wisdom. Understand whose wisdom you desire more than anything. Is it yours or is it God’s mind that you are pursuing?
God’s wisdom will help you live an upright life. He will give you the ability to walk with integrity. Living a life surrendered to the Lord’s wisdom offers more benefits than all of the sands on the world’s beaches. With God, you will understand righteousness, justice, equity, and what good paths look like. The Spirit of the Lord will give you understanding that guards every decision you will ever make. His discretion will watch over you.
This spring break, visit one destination—God’s State of Wisdom!
Jim Dunn is the executive director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church. He resides with his family in the Indianapolis area.