Hebrews 10:19–39
Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (Heb. 10:24)
My husband and I spend a lot of time talking. We’re newlyweds, so we’re still getting to know each other. One of the ways we make time for conversation is to go to bed at the same time—early enough so that we’re not too tired to talk. We’ve made it a ritual to ask each other four questions: (1) Have I done anything for which I need to apologize? (2) Do you have any needs I’m not meeting or could meet better? (3) How can I be a better partner and spouse? (4) Why should I stay married to you today?
Now before you get upset by the fourth question, let me explain. We’re not looking for reasons to leave each other. No, we’re encouraging ourselves to learn and grow, to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. And the question is simply another way of asking, “How did you stretch your mind, spirit, or body today?”
In the same way my husband and I “spur one another on” as marriage partners, couldn’t we ask those four questions (modified slightly) with other believers? Perhaps the third question could read, “How can I be a better friend?” You might ask the fourth question like this: What have you done for the kingdom today? Take time at home with your family or within your small group or Sunday school class to ask and answer these questions. “Spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” and see what God will do!
Ask others what they’ve done today to strengthen their relationship with God.
Mary McNeil lives in Erie, Pennsylvania, and enjoys jet-skiing, sailing, reading, and hanging out with her family and three dogs.