
Gordon Ritchie: A Physician of the Soul
Gordon Ritchie recently retired from a fulfilling career as a United States Marine Corps Chaplain. After twenty-four years of service, Ritchie has had an influence on many young people in the US Navy

Chaplain Spotlight: Bryan Purvis — The Ministry of Presence
Chaplain Purvis recently was promoted to Lieutenant Commander – a professional success he attributes to the men he serves. “Promotions have little to do with me and everything to do with those I serve with; they, the enlisted and other officers, make...
Chaplain Spotlight: Bryan Purvis — The Ministry of Presence
From ministering as Chaplain to Navy’s football team to serving the Midshipmen, Sailors & Marines at the Naval Academy, active-duty Navy Chaplain Bryan Purvis is a man of honor, service & sacrifice.