New Pastor Orientation

New Pastor Orientation

New Pastor Orientation

New Pastors’ Orientation (NPO) is a time of encouragement and equipping. Because we are scattered across the United States and Canada, this event serves as an opportunity for new pastors (or new to TWC) to learn about the many people and ministries of The Wesleyan...
ECD Clergy Care Resources

ECD Clergy Care Resources

ECD Home Thriving Clergy Ministerial Preparation Ministerio de Educación en Español Wesleyan Higher Education Thrive Financial Initiative Women in Ministry Looking for Resources?Try your search on Resource Center   Education & Clergy Development offers a...
Serving the shepherd

Serving the shepherd

ECD continues the pursuit of the mission in 2022 through equipping and caring for the shepherds.

New Pastor Orientation

New Pastor Orientation

Inviting: Newly ordained, newly appointed pastors or pastors transferring from other denominations and their spouses.